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The Court of Braga postponed today, to December 9, the reading of the verdict the trial of a woman, of Colombian origin, but already naturalized Portuguese, who, in April 2018, in the Marine Corps, Esposende, stabbed her husband in the back while he was sleeping, with the intention of killing him. The knife broke the handle, leaving the eight-inch blade buried in the victim’s body.

At the hearing, the President of the Supreme Court announced a small change in the facts contained in the indictment, a non-substantial change which led the defense attorney to request five days to speak. Granted.

The knife broke the handle, leaving the eight-inch blade buried in the victim’s body.


It is recalled that, in the first session of the trial, the woman declared: “I don’t know. I didn’t stab him or try to kill him. “And then he added yes rolled with her husband in a fight and who fell on the bed, having been punctured by the knife that would be there.

This was the version delivered to the Court of Braga by the Colombian immigrant, Eliana Yurlev Henão, 37, already naturalized Portuguese, who said that, on the night of the crime, in April 2018, she spoke with her husband, the Portuguese António Maria You win , after going to the kitchen to drink water and eat an apple.

He says he took a knife to cut the fruit and went to sleep in the room where he was with two teenagers, his son and a 16-year-old girl, his daughter.

She said she does not know what happened next, not even the fate of the knife, only remembering that she woke up her children and called 112. She attributed the couple’s arguments to her husband’s jealousy.

Husband denies

This version is contradicted by the victim who told O MINHO that she stabbed him in the back while he slept, leaving a nine-centimeter part of the blade on his body, which pierced his lung and reached his heart.

And he even tried to stop her from breathing. “Mind. When she was arrested, she told the PJ de Braga and the judge that she had stabbed me to kill me. She is in process,” he added.
