DRETT suspends driving and code exams and lessons



Given the increase in the number of cases of infection by COVID-19 in the Region, in the last week, and taking into account the guidelines of the Government Council and Public Health Services, the Regional Directorate of Economy and Land Transport decided to suspend the operation. In all the regions of the Region, coding exams and practical driving tests, as well as driving instruction (theoretical and practical), given by driving schools.

In a note sent by the Ministry of Economy, the DRETT determines and explains the exceptional and temporary measures, namely, the suspension, until the 15th of this month, of the theoretical and practical tests of the driving test carried out in DRETT examination centers, as well as all DRETT professional certification exams.

Driving instruction, whether theoretical or practical, given by driving schools will also be suspended, without classes being taught until January 8.

The suspension of the theoretical and practical face-to-face training of the professional certification activities, carried out by training entities certified by DRETT, will last until January 15.
