Doubtfully? All about the aggravation of the general confinement measures


OR Diploma modifies the regulation of the state of exception decreed by the President of the Republic, which applies to the entire continental territory and is in force from 00:00 hours on Friday and lasts until 23:59 hours on December 30 janeiro, since it is considered “necessary to clarify the restrictive measures applied and adoption additional measures to seek to reverse the accelerated growth of the pandemic“.

Without modifying the decision to personally keep all educational establishments open, the Government proposed a new set of restrictive measures, among which are the prohibition of movement between municipalities on weekends, the prohibition of access to public spaces and the limitation of hours closure of all goods and services establishments open to the public, which must close at 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and at 1:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays, except the food retail that can operate on weekends until 5:00 p.m.

In addition to the new measures, the remaining rules of the new lockdown fight pandemic, which highlights the general duty of home collection, the obligation of the telecommuting and the closing of the trade, with exception establishments of essential goods and services.

In general, the rules are to stay at home, limit contacts at home, reduce travel to essentials, wear a mask. protection, keep physical distance, wash your hands, and adhere to respiratory etiquette.

Lockdown required

– General duty of home collection, in which “the rule is to stay at home”, except relocations authorized;

– Travel authorized to acquire essential goods and services, carrying out Activities professionals, attendance at schools, practice of exercise physical and sports activities or participation in âscope the electoral campaign or the election of the President of the Republic;

– In the case of carrying out Activities professionals when there is no room for telecommuting, the travel authorization requires a certificate by declaration issued by the employer;

Lockdown mandatory for people infected as COVID-19-19 o on guardncia active by decision of the health authorities.

Limitation of movement between municipalities

– It is forbidden to move outside the municipality of residence in the period between 8:00 p.m. on Friday and 5:00 a.m. on Monday, without prejudice to exceptions including travel for the purpose of participating in thescope electoral campaign or the election of the President of the Republic.

Prohibition of access to public spaces

– By decision of the mayortimes municipal territorially competent, all public spaces where people gather, namely treadmills, marginal, catwalks and beaches, and signs should be posted prohibiting the use of garden benches, play areas, and public sports equipment;


– All educational and vocational training establishments (kindergartens, schools and universities) are open on site;

– Opening of research centers Activities occupational, spaces where the answers in the âscope full-time school, including Activities animation and family support, component of family support and Activities curricular enrichment;

– Only for children under 12 years old, nurseries may be open Activities leisure (ATL) and study centers and the like;

– “Permanent campaign” of tests antigen in schools to detect cases of infection gives COVID-19-19.


– Obligation of the telecommuting, provided that the functions in question allow it, without the agreement of the parties;

– Companies of the sector of services with more than 250 workers, regardless of the employment relationship, type or nature of the legal relationship, send the Nominal Relationship of the same to the Authority of Labor Conditions, within 48 hours after the entry into force of the decree. that do not meet the requirements established for adoption the regime telecommuting;

– Breach of telecommuting Their offense very serious.

Business and services

– discontinued Activities retail trade and provision of services in establishments open to the public;

Exception for 52 types of establishments that can continue to operate open to the public, including stationery and tobacconists, but that must close at 8 pm on weekdays and at 1 pm on weekends and holidays;

Activities food retail, from grocery stores to supermarkets, closes at 8 pm on weekdays and at 5 pm on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;

– The limitation of closing time does not apply to establishments:

– medical services or other health and social support services, provided for emergency care, namely hospitals, medical offices and clinics, dental clinics and emergency medical-veterinary care centers, as well as the support services integrated in these places ;

– pharmacy;

– educational, teaching and vocational training establishments;

– tourist establishments and local accommodation establishments, as well as establishments offering accommodation for students;

– establishments that offer Activities funeral and related;

Activities provision of services, namely areas service stations and gas stations, which integrate roads;

– Fuel service stations not covered by the previous paragraph, as well as vehicle charging stations electricexclusively for the part related to the sale of fuel to the public and the supply or loading of vehicles in the âscope of the trips allowed;

– establishments providing services for the rental of freight vehicles without a driver (‘freight rental’) and the rental of passenger vehicles without a driver (‘car rental’);

– establishments located inside airports located on the mainland, after passenger security controls.

– The sale or delivery at the door of the establishment or at the window (‘click and collect’ or ‘take away’) in any establishment in the non-food sector is prohibited, and may continue to operate exclusively for the purpose of home delivery;

– All balances, promotions or sales campaigns that promote the displacement and concentration of people are prohibited;

– The holding of fairs and markets is allowed when food products are sold;

– Closed hairdressers and barber shops;

– Closed cultural facilities;

– Closed bathrooms.

Restaurants, bars and cafes

– Restoration and the like function exclusively for the purpose of exercise of making intended for consumption outside the establishment by home delivery or ‘take away’;

– The sale of any type of beverages at the door or gate is prohibited, as well as the consumption of food or products at the door of the establishment or on the public highway, allowing only the sale of packaged products;

– For home deliveries, directly or through an intermediary, it is not allowed to supply alcoholic beverages after 20:00 hours;

– Closure of all restaurant and similar spaces located in shopping centers, even for take-out food, and they can only work for home delivery.


– Public services provide face-to-face assistance by appointment and the provision of services is reinforced through digital media and contact centers;

– Open courts.


– Closed gyms;

– The halls and other sports facilities are closed, except for individual outdoor sports and Activities training and competitive;

– Stay here exercise as selections national teams and 1st senior division, which includes the 1st Portuguese football league, but without an audience.

Religious ceremonies

– Religious ceremonies are allowed according to the rules of the Direction-General health;

Support for exercise economical

– Creation of extraordinary measures to support workers and exercise economic growth, taxpayers, sector culture, consumers and commerce;

– Automatic access to simplified dismissal for companies forced to close.

Aggravated sanctioning regime

– Altered regime counter-ordinance me fines duplicated during the state of emergency due to non-compliance with combat measures pandemic;

Counterordination for not taking the test upon arrival at the airport, with a fine of between 300 and 800 euros.

Rates and prices

– In home delivery services, restaurant commissions are limited to 20% and delivery rates cannot be increased;

– bottled gas (LPG) subject to maximum prices.

Presidential election

– Allowed events not âscope electoral campaign and election of the President of the Republic.

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