Dora depression. Civil Protection expects relief from weather conditions at the end of Saturday – Observer


The Dora depression, which is affecting mainland Portugal, arrived at dawn on Friday and brought rain, strong winds, ocean waves, but also a lot of snow.

Adverse weather conditions should remain for another 24 hours, confirmed the new commander of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC), André Fernandes, who took office this Friday.

“We continue in close coordination with the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), but this situation is expected to take another 24 hours, with relief at the end of tomorrow [sábado]“Said André Fernandes, noting the” relative calm “of the situation on the effects of the Dora depression in mainland Portugal.

In statements to journalists after the ceremony, which was attended by the Secretary of State for Internal Administration, Patrícia Gaspar, the newly installed leader circumscribed a significant impact of bad weather to some regions, with special emphasis on the north and the mountains.

Only a few regions in the north, namely the regions of Peneda-Perês, Estrela and the district of Viseu, have some snow and the normal impact in this type of situation. There is some fall of trees, but, from the general point of view, we are following the situation and there is nothing worth mentioning ”, he summarized.

Civil Protection registered 144 occurrences between 00:00 and 12:00 this Friday, most of them related to the falling trees and snow. Speaking to Lusa, the commander of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) Carlos Pereira said that, of the 144 events, 68 were related to the fall of trees and 48 to the clearing of roads due to snow.

The most affected districts were Vila Real, Viseu, Coimbra and Leiria, he said. Most of the events occurred between 9 in the morning and 12 at night, when “people started to leave the house” to go to work. Until 9 in the morning, Civil Protection had a record of 44 occurrences, most of them also related to falling trees and snow, according to a previous assessment made to Lusa.

Second Carlos Pereira, in the last hours the situation has stabilized and “little else”. The commander also pointed out that the access roads to the central massif of the Serra da Estrela remain closed due to snowfall. Carlos Pereira also renewed the call to the population to avoid “circulating near the coast”, due to the commotion of the sea.

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) placed under red warning, the most serious of a scale of four, the districts of Lisbon and Leiria due to the forecast of strong maritime disturbances after the effects of the Dora depression in mainland Portugal.

These two districts will be under red alert, the most serious of a scale of four, between 12 noon and 9 at night this Friday due to the agitation of the sea, forecasting northwest waves of 7 to 8 meters of significant height, They can reach a maximum height of 14 meters.

Due to the strong maritime unrest, the IPMA also placed the coast of the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, Setúbal, Beja and Faro, the north of Madeira and Porto Santo under an orange warning until 00:00 on Sunday.

The IPMA issued a yellow warning for the districts of Braga, Vila Real, Viana do Castelo, Porto, Bragança, Viseu, Guarda, Castelo Branco for snowfalls above 1,400 / 1,600 meters, gradually lowering the quota to 700/900 meters , until 6 a.m. on Sunday.

Under yellow alert (less severe) are the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto, Aveiro, Vila Real, Bragança, Viseu, Guarda and Castelo Branco due to the forecast of strong northwest wind, with gusts of up to 95 kilometers per hour in Highlands until 6am on Saturday.

National Roads (EN) 2 and 321 are closed due to snowfalls registered in the early morning of Friday in the north of the Viseu district, a source from the District Relief Operations Command (CDOS) told Lusa. The EN 321 is cut between Castro Daire and Cinfães, in the Serra do Montemuro area, and the EN2 between Castro Daire and Lamego, in Bigorne.

“The snowplows work from six in the morning. There are sporadic situations of cars that cannot walk, but then, when the snowplows pass, they circulate normally ”, emphasized the CDOS.

According to the District Relief Operations Command (CDOS) of Viseu, National Roads (EN) 2 and 321 are closed due to snowfalls registered at dawn this Friday in the north of the district.

#NowCasting #Neve #RibeiradePena

Posted by Meteo Trás os Montes – Portugal on Friday, December 4, 2020

The snow affected some roads in the district that were cut, such as the main Itinerary (IP4), of the Campeã node (Vila Real municipality), national highways 101 (Mesão Frio – Amarante) and 312 (Carreira de Lebre). – Ribeira de Pena), Estrada Regional 311 (Boticas – Montalegre) and Estrada Municipal 520 (Carvalhelhos – Alturas de Barroso).

With restricted circulation were Highway 4 (A4), exit from the Marão Tunnel (Vila Real) and national highways 304 (Campeã – Alto do Bolão) and 206 (Serra da Padrela).

According to the Vila Real Territorial Command, at 4 pm, “there are no longer registered itineraries with restrictions on road traffic” due to snowfall. However, “given the likelihood of icing”, GNR advised motorists to drive “with the utmost caution.”

David Teixeira, deputy mayor of Montalegre, Vila Real district, told the Lusa news agency that the students of the Doutor Bento da Cruz School Group will stay home as a precaution and because forecasts point to a worsening of the weather during the day .

People in the highlands, especially above 600 meters above sea level and in the northernmost regions, woke up to houses ‘painted white’.

The circulation of the Porto Metro on the Orange Line (F) is interrupted on both tracks between the Levada and Baguim stations, in Gondomar, due to the fall of a tree, the company source informed Lusa on Friday.

The repair of the damage caused by the tree, which fell on the road in the Rio Tinto area, will be an operation that will take a long time, without an exact forecast for the resumption of circulation “, he emphasized, in a written information to Lusa.

Metro do Porto offers a service of alternative bus transportation stopping at the Levada, Rio Tinto, Campaínha and Baguim stations, he said. Contacted by Lusa, a company source said the large tree fell on the track at 11:48 am.

The fall of the tree caused damage to the catenaries and destroyed the suspension arms of the catenaries, the source added.

Lisbon City Council launched the preventive phase (blue) of the contingency plan to protect homeless people from the cold, due to the expected drop in temperature, it was announced this Friday.

In a statement, the office of the Councilor for Social Rights, Manuel Grilo (BE), highlights that until Sunday there will be a response of “reinforcement of clothing, hot drinks and easy access to equipment that can promote the reduction of risk to the health of people. that are in the street ”.

The note states that the circumstances still do not meet the Civil Protection criteria for the opening of a specific pavilion to house the homeless.

However, “the technical teams that accompany those who are on the street every day will pay special attention to the needs derived from the low temperature,” says the office of the head of the Social Rights portfolio in the municipality.
