Don’t you want to get the vaccine? Companies can deny you work


Thinking about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? With the announcement of vaccines, which are not yet on the market, a new hope has emerged for the world. However, since vaccines are a solution, not everyone wants to take them. The end of the pandemic still seems a long way off, but …

Have you ever thought that companies can deny work to anyone who does not want to get vaccinated against COVID-19? This could happen.

COVID-19: Don't want to get the vaccine?  Companies can deny you work

The COVID-19 vaccine should not be mandatory ...

The president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Christa Schweng, admitted in an interview: the possibility of a company refusing to hire a worker who refuses to be vaccinated against COVID-19. For the president of the EESC, an advisory body of the European Union that issues guidelines to community institutions on behalf of employers, workers and civil society organizations, the vaccine should not be mandatory.

As an entrepreneur, I can decide with whom I sign a contract. The worker can decide if he wants to work or not and if the vaccine is required to sign a contract, although it would be necessary to see if an employer wants only vaccinated people in his company. I don't know what they will do.

COVID-19: Don't want to get the vaccine?  Companies can deny you work

Christa Schweng also defended that the first to be vaccinated against COVID-19 should be health professionals, since they are in close contact with patients and the population at risk. According to an article by Lusa, the EESC president also highlighted the importance of the agreement established between the European Commission and pharmaceutical companies to guarantee vaccines for the whole of Europe.

Recall that up to now, the European Union has signed agreements with Pfizer and BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sanofi-GSK and Johnson & Johnson, and concluded negotiations with CureVac and Moderna. Christa Schweng estimated that all vaccines could be approved by the European Medicines Agency before the end of the year.

The effects of the COVID-19 vaccine should not be felt until the end of 2021, according to several experts. This prediction is based on the enormous number of vaccines that are needed worldwide.

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