“Don’t let the virus in.” The video of the Government that has a message for the Portuguese this Christmas



“Do not let the virus enter. In your body, in your house, in your family”

The Government decided to warn, this Wednesday, of the importance of complying with the recommendations of the health authorities to avoid the spread of covid-19 this Christmas.

Through a video, shared on social networks, and the day before Christmas Eve, the António Costa executive decided to raise awareness among the Portuguese about the risks of non-compliance with some rules in family gatherings. The images begin by showing a man hospitalized and ventilated, while listening to the sound of socialization among family members.

“Boys, go greet your grandmother”, “Take off your mask, we are at home”, “Close the door, a current is coming”, are some of the phrases that are heard, thus referring to the disregard of the rules recommended by the Health authorities.

“The virus enters through the nose and mouth, lodges in the lungs, passes into the blood, multiplies and causes damage that is often fatal. You just share the air with someone infected, even without symptoms. Avoid living in closed spaces. Don’t let the virus in. In your body, in your house, in your family ”, warns the video.
