Donald Trump says that “people who died 10 or 15 years ago asked to vote by mail” – Jornal Económico


Acting US President Donald Trump told Fox News on Sunday that “people who died 10 or 15 years ago asked to vote by mail” in the US presidential election. In an interview in which he broke the silence that has been imposed by taking brief statements without questions and recurring messages on Twitter, the Republican defeated at the polls by Democrat Joe Biden again said that there was “absolute fraud” in the voting.

Speaking by phone with Maria Bartiromo, host of the “Sunday Morning Futures” program, Trump re-listed what guarantees that cases of “transferring thousands of votes” to Biden due to interference in voting machines, “tens of thousands of votes.” mailed for dead “and” thousands of bulletins thrown at the polls “when Republican observers” were kicked out by criminals. “

“There is no way Joe Biden can get 80 million votes. He got 16 million more votes than Barack Hussein Obama, 14 million more votes than Hillary Clinton, and he did not impersonate Obama in the black community of the largest cities in the swing states. This did not happen. They ‘filled’ the polls with votes, “said Donald Trump, who said he was” embarrassed “for supporting Brian Kemp, the Republican governor of Georgia, one of six (along with Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania). where the incumbent president is contesting the results, without any success so far.

Criticism of the Department of Justice and the FBI, which according to Trump “was missing in combat” in the investigation of what he says are indications of electoral fraud, as well as the “fake news industry” and the big technology companies, he noted. lack of freedom of the press and “suppression of facts” in the United States for having silenced and impeded the exchange of news about the scandals involving Hunter Biden, son of President-elect Joe Biden.

Trump said he is hopeful that the Supreme Court can look at the evidence his lawyers are gathering, but admitted that this may not happen, once again criticizing judges in the various states. He ended by saying that “if the Republicans allow this to happen, there will be no Republican elected in this century.” In any case, it was not yet this time that he recognized Joe Biden’s victory.
