Do you want your Android to be safe? Don’t use any of these 101 suspicious apps


Android security, even if it is improved, does not offer much confidence to users. It is not uncommon in revealed situations where malicious applications are found in the Play Store and that manage to steal user data.

A recent discovery has made another serious problem visible. A developer network has a list of 101 malicious applications that can compromise the security of users and their smartphones.

Android apps safe suspicious programmers

A new list of suspicious applications.

Recent research revealed something that was abnormal on the Google Play Store. Amid millions of applications, a strange and secret network of 27 programmers was found, which has 101 applications published and available for installation.

Although no abnormal behavior was detected, these applications have some strange features. They all appear to be copies of other applications already present in the Android store and already have more than 69 million installations.

List of programmers and malicious applications

Developer name Facilities No. of applications
Virgilo Malley 7,060,000 5 5
Daniel Malley 1,701,000 5 5
Alex Joe 10,000,000 one
Hudson parker 3,001,000 4 4
Wilfred Wessner 1,150,000 3
Adaline Garraway 305,000 5 5
Armel Bilton 6,000,000 two
Noble noble 2,100,505 6 6
Arrow Frankie 6,000,000 two
Lukas Podolskies 820,500 6 6
Rusty Mari 5,500,000 two
Weldon Hazeltine 1,006,110 6 6
Jacinto Macias 2,101,100 5 5
Flavia Sleeman 70,511 5 5
Douglas Morace 125,000 4 4
Dulcie Lawing 121,015 6 6
Kylian Mbapee 6,000,000 two
ProCam - HD Camera 1,710,000 6 6
Evan Well 516,060 6 6
Samuels Dynamo 2,100,000 4 4
Fruit VPN: better connection 5,000,000 one
Carrie Waters 3,000,000 3
Antoine Kenyon 2,105,000 4 4
Darry Cowlly 1,010,000 two
Gaspard Aden 51,000 two
Alfred Persen 100,000 one
Hwan seon 110,000 3
Total 68,763,801 101

Android far from being secure

Of course, there is much more that caught the attention of those who carried out this analysis. All apps require too many permissions and all developers have the same privacy policy, published in a Google document. Also, support sites are not all the same.

On the other hand, these applications are clearly obvious copies of the most popular ones. Just place them next to each other and the similarities are obvious. In the permissions field, it's weird to have a voice recording app asking for camera access or a memory optimization app asking for location access.

Android apps safe suspicious programmers

Curiosity about programmers

Another point that caught the attention of researchers is the name of the programmers. They seem to choose names of athletes from various countries, which are then combined into seemingly random pairs.

These apps are most likely only collecting user data. They are then sold to anyone interested in having that information for various purposes. Once again, Android is exposed and its users are vulnerable.
