“Do you want to live on 300 euros a month? Do you want to live with me?” The uncomfortable questions a woman asked Marcelo – Nacional


A woman approached Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at the Porto Book Fair on Friday, August 28, forcing the President of the Republic to interrupt the protocol to listen to his complaints.

The woman asked him several questions. “Why is the president not helping us? Who is in charge is the president or the government? Why did I have to see a colleague commit suicide a week ago? Why do you get discouraged and we have to pay for everything? Why do they help TAP and the hotels and we, who are micro-entrepreneurs, don’t help each other? ”.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa began by saying that it is the Parliament that makes the laws and that the government is the fruit of the will of the Portuguese. “The Portuguese voted for this government. Tell the Portuguese to vote for another government,” is heard in the video published by “SIC Notícias.”

The answers were not enough. The woman, who claims to have adopted “an attitude on behalf of the people,” also referred to the Portuguese minimum wage. “The minimum wage remains at 530 euros. It was what she earned when she was 15 years old. In other countries it is more than 1000. Now with the pandemic it is 300 euros. Do you want to live on 300 euros a month? Could the president do it? Do you want to live in my house? You want to change with me“.

The President of the Republic was left without an answer, only frowning.
