Do you already know the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G with super zoom?


The smartphone market has evolved in virtually every technology vector. However, one of the biggest bets in terms of marketing is photography and other cutting-edge technologies. Samsung is betting on following this trend, marking the segment.

This proposal is a bet by the South Korean company to bring a long-range zoom to their smartphones. For that, the Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G comes equipped with something … innovative!

Do you already know the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G 5G with super zoom?

New Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G with zoom up to 100x

Samsung opted for a novelty that, apparently, will be the "last cry" of the cameras in 2020. The new long-range zoom on the Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G camera is compatible with a 108MP sensor that captures highly detailed images.

Do you already know the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G 5G with super zoom?

This technology, due to its enormous capacity, was called Hubble, after the Space Telescope. Let's talk a little about the 5 cameras, or better, 4 + 1, that equip this fantastic smartphone.

The main camera (wide angle) is 108MP. The telephoto camera is 48 MP. The Selfie camera is 40 MP and there is also a DeepVision camera. Then there is what Samsung called Space Zoom. This "hybrid" zoom mode combines 10x lossless zoom and up to 100x digital zoom. To make this possible, Samsung resorted to using a periscope lens. This allows you to collect images of objects from miles away without any problem with your Galaxy S20.

To achieve this revolutionary zoom, the Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G combines a folded lens with a new, highly advanced high-resolution image sensor. Thus, you get a 10x optical hybrid zoom. This means that images are captured much more clearly, thanks to the combination of optical lenses and the use of part of the high-resolution sensor.

In normal situations, this zoom level would require a very long optical path. By folding the lens into a prism, Samsung can shorten the required distance and rearrange the lenses on the Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G.

This rearrangement also means that fewer items are needed in the photography part of this smartphone. Therefore, high zoom levels and lighter and more ergonomic equipment are achieved.

Do you already know the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G 5G with super zoom?

Super Zoom is the trend for 2020

The 100x super zoom is an interesting novelty that promises to evolve perfectly from now on. Now, if you really want to use the photos to put on Instagram, the Samsung S20 Ultra 5G brings a 100x zoom that is where all the magic happens.

For this, multi-frame processing technology using artificial intelligence is used. This ensures that normal hand tremors and quality loss associated with this type of zoom disappear.

This is possible thanks to the lenses, but also to the software that together create a hybrid solution. According to Samsung, with this powerful zoom you can discover things you never imagined.
