Discounts of up to 75% on ex-SCUT approved today … already in January


Many have argued that Ex-SCUT, especially in the interior, should have a lower value to contribute to the competitiveness of economic activity. Promised “like this” discounts have been delayed, but there is finally news for 2021.

Ex-SCUT discounts were approved today! However, they no longer enter in January, but only in July 2021.

Discounts of up to 75% on ex-SCUT approved today ... already in January

Discounts on the Silver Coast, Greater Porto and Norte Litoral highways will begin on July 1, 2021, and not in January, after a new vote on the PSD proposals to modify OE2021, reveals Lusa.

Ex-Scut with a maximum discount of 75% (in the case of electric and non-polluting vehicles)

I and reduction of tolls on the A22, A23, A24 and A25 motorways (i.e. ex-cut), which comprise, respectively, the Algarve, Beira Interior, Interior Norte and Beira Litoral / Beira Alta concessions, will start in january, since the parties disapproved of the part of the reform proposal to the State Budget for 2021 (OE2021) that referred to the July 1 entry into force.

In today's vote and in relation to A22, A23, A24 and A25, a majority of deputies approved the part of the proposal that attributes a 50% discount on the toll amount, applicable in each transaction. The reduction increases to 75% for electric and non-polluting vehicles.

Discounts of up to 75% on ex-SCUT approved today ... already in January

The advance in the part of the measure that establishes that "the Government may still, if necessary, renegotiate the contracts with the concessionaires of the aforementioned highways until July 1, 2021, always safeguarding the interests of the State" was defeated by the combination of votes against. PS, BE, PCP, PEV and Liberal Initiative.

The participation of effects was also rejected (July 1, 2021), which makes the discounts effective in January. Finally the State Budget is approved.

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