Diogo Piçarra comments on the possible celebration of the Festa do Avante: “Mine is not a concert, then” – Showbiz


The PCP Secretary General emphasized that the Festa do Avante! It is not a festival, adding that “the Portuguese Communists are very creative.” “We want to know the proposal [do Governo], but contrary to popular belief, the Portuguese communists are very creative and the Festa do Avante! It cannot be treated as a festival and, naturally, we will consider it, we will evaluate its performance, “he said in an interview with the Porto Channel, which will be broadcast this Sunday night.

Prime Minister António Costa said last Friday that the Festa do Avante! it can be carried out as long as the sanitary guidelines of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) are complied with, because the political activity of the parties “is not prohibited”.

Diogo Piçarra reacted to the news on social media. “‘From now on it is not a festival.’ It is the same as saying that I will have a coffee there at 11 p.m. on Saturday,” the musician wrote on his Twitter account. “My Altice is not a concert, then. It is a congregation of thousands of people in one voice who share our spirit with the sole purpose of cleaning the soul singing the songs of my new album,” he added.
