Did you notice all the measures that go into effect on the 15th? (Re) see here


meA meeting of the Council of Ministers approved this Thursday a set of measures that will be applied from Tuesday 15 September, a day in which mainland Portugal will enter a contingency situation to “control the pandemic, with the implementation of “preventive measures”, considering the period of return to school and work.

In addition to the rules for most of the mainland, Prime Minister António Costa announced specific measures for Areas Metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto, where the risk of COVID-19-19 is higher due to a “higher population density”, which determines rotation scales between telecommuting and face-to-face work and the compulsory delay in the times of entry and exit at the workplace, as well as the different hours of breaks and meals for workers.

In Madeira autonomous region, the situation of calamity was prolonged by the Regional Government until the end of Septemberwhile in Autonomous region of the Azores the same level was maintained until 15 September to the islands with air connections abroad – Santa María, São Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial -, leaving the four remaining islands of the Azores (Corvo, Graciosa, Flores and São Jorge) on alert until that date.

Continental Portugal

Notscope The contingency situation came into effect on Tuesday, which for most of the country replaces the state of alert in force since the beginning of July (to exception gives Zone Metropolitan of Lisbon, which had been left in a contingency), the Government determined the following measures:

– Meetings limited to 10 people

– Commercial establishments can only open after 10 am, “with exceptions such as bakeries, coffee shops, hairdressers and gyms “

Limitation of the closing hours of establishments between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., for municipal decision “according to the concrete reality” of each municipality

Restaurants can stay open until 1:00 am, being able to receive clients until 00:00 for meals

In areas mall restoration, maximum limit of four people per group, to “avoid large concentrations of people”

Prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages at fuel service stations

After 8 p.m., prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages in all commercial establishments, to exception of catering establishments with drinks that are served to accompany meals

Prohibition of alcohol consumption on public roads, “to ensure that informal meeting situations do not multiply”

Back to school

Between 14 and 17 September, the return to classroom implies the adoption specific measures in the context of pandemic of COVID-19-19:

– Adaptation of schools to the new health reality

– Contingency plans in all schools

– Distribution of equipment for protection individual

– Rules of interim suspected case, positive case or outbreaks

In restaurants, cafes and pastry shops 300 meters from schools, maximum limit of four people per group

Nursing homes

Creation of district brigades for rapid intervention to contain and stabilize outbreaks in homes., with the participation of doctors, nurses and diagnostic technicians

– “18 teams are planned, which will be operational at the end of this month and will involve a group of 400 people”

– HE objective it is “to act very quickly in the event of any outbreak that occurs in a home”, to allow diagnosis as soon as possible


Sports venues will continue without public, considering the difference in people’s behavior between being in a football stadium or in a cinema or theater

Specific measures for Areas Metropolitans of Lisbon and Porto

– The Government approved, in general, “in consultation with the social partners, a set of measures aimed at the organization of mirror work”, with rotation hours between telecommuting and face-to-face work.

Mandatory time differenceeither when entering and leaving the workplace, or during breaks and meals for workers

Motion reduction pendulous, seeking to reduce the daily movement of people between different municipalities. The prime minister appealed to the companies of both Areas Metropolitan so that, whenever possible, adopt differentiation of schedules in the entry of employees to avoid crowds of people in public transport, where the norms already in force are maintained (two thirds of capacity, use of masks and social distance).

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