Did the Mexican Coast Guard seize 45.78 kilograms of cocaine packed with the Benfica emblem?


Yes. The polygraph confirmed the image authenticity through applications like TinEye and the veracity of the story of the drug raid that was reported this week in various means, medium Mexicans, that is, through AFmedios Colima News (You can see the report in question here).

The seizure of the drug shipment was made by the Mexican Coast Guard on Wednesday, May 7, which consisted of 45.78 kilograms of cocaineAlthough the authorities have not yet shown if all the containers contain the same substance. In fact, in most packaging the emblem of Sport Lisboa e Benfica.

The load interception occurred in the Port of manzanillo, a city located in the Mexican state of Colima. I was inside a ship named Long Beach Merchant, with the flag of the Republic of Malta.

The polygraph contacted an official Benfica source, who emphasized that this is a common scheme and that it is not the first time that the image of big clubs or famous players in drug shipments has been identified. Until Cristiano Ronaldo it has already been used to “decorate” the packaging:


There is also another noteworthy detail: The symbol used on the packaging is prior to 1999, the year that Benfica carried out a graphic update of its logo. The biggest difference is that the eagle’s legs are now above, not below, the wheel.

The symbol of 1999 …
… and the current


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