Did the government say that the flu vaccine was not for everyone? | Proof of the facts


A phrase

“There are no more vaccines available on the world market”

Marta Temido, PS podcast

The context

Due to Covid 19, getting a flu shot has become a necessity for many more people. The flu vaccination campaign began earlier this year, on September 19, aimed precisely at people over 65 years of age, health professionals and social workers. The second phase, which was marked by the famous photograph of the President of the Republic naked, began on October 16. At the moment, many Portuguese are still waiting for the vaccine, despite the fact that the Government has ordered two million doses, and pharmacies have bought 500 thousand directly on the market. The Minister of Health even attributed the lack of vaccines to citizens who took them when they should not have taken them. “It is important that people realize that only those with criteria should be vaccinated (…). I did not get vaccinated, some may have done it without criteria ”. Of the section ordered by the Government, 200 thousand doses remain to be reached.

Despite having informed the President of the Republic that there would be vaccines for everyone, the minister justifies the situation. “What is a fact is that this year we had a demand from people who normally do not seek to be vaccinated, since health professionals who this year have massively adhered to vaccination and who, in previous years, did not want to be vaccinated.”

The facts

The President of the Republic tried to calm the citizens, reporting that the minister had assured him that there would be enough vaccines. “Anyone who wants to get vaccinated will get vaccinated,” the president said on October 19. Also at the press conference on the 19th, the Undersecretary of State and Health, António Lacerda Sales, asked “serenity, tranquility, because, surely, everyone will be vaccinated.”

In summary:

The Government said, in effect, that the vaccine would reach everyone, without limiting their access to “criteria”, as the minister now says.
