DianaFM »House in Évora with covid-19 outbreak registers death of user


DianaFM »House in Évora with outbreak of covid-19 registers death of user

Home in Évora with covid-19 outbreak registers death of user – DianaFM

Home in Évora with covid-19 outbreak registers death of user

Friday, January 1, 2021


A user of Lar Nossa Senhora da Visitação, in Misericórdia de Évora, where an outbreak of covid-19 was detected, died yesterday at the end of the day, the institution reported today.

In a statement sent to DianaFM, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Évora indicated that the causes of the user’s death “are still under investigation.”

The outbreak in this house, located on Mendo Estevens Street, was confirmed last Tuesday and, so far, 13 users and four workers have been infected.

According to the Misericórdia de Évora, the outbreak had “originated in an infected worker abroad” and was detected during “periodic tests of the institution, a few days before.”

“Despite all the effort and commitment made in this social response throughout 10 months of struggle, by health professionals and workers, the pandemic ended up entering the home,” the institution emphasizes.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Évora says that, in collaboration with the Local Health Authority, Municipal Civil Protection and Social Security, “from day 29, a solution is being sought that minimizes the effects of this outbreak on that social response, having been asked and An agreement was reached for the evacuation of that house, which is expected at all times, before the situation gets out of control ”.

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