DianaFM ȃvora Hospital detects covid-19 cases among hospitalized patients and professionals


The Espírito Santo de Évora Hospital (HESE) has five hospitalized patients and two health professionals infected with covid-19 and has already temporarily suspended hospitalizations and discharges from two services.

Inpatient and discharge services are Medicine 1 and Psychiatry and Mental Health, the hospital’s board of directors said in a statement.

The first case of covid-19 detected was that of a patient who was hospitalized in the Psychiatry Service, for which it was determined to carry out a screening of all risk contacts, the Alentejo hospital unit reported.

According to HESE, this patient was admitted to the emergency room and two tests were performed, according to the protocol established for all patients who required hospitalization, both with negative results.

The Évora hospital said that the patient was initially admitted to Medical Service 1 and, later, to the Psychiatry Service, where he began to present symptoms compatible with covid-19.

“He repeated the test and the result was positive,” he added, referring to the fact that HESE’s Occupational Health Service activated the contingency plan “immediately” and initiated “risk assessment procedures for professionals and hospitalized patients.”

According to the hospital, then screening tests were carried out and, so far, four more infected patients were confirmed in Medical Service 1, in a total of five patients with covid-19.

The infected patients “were transferred to the covid wards, they are stable and do not inspire care,” said the hospital unit, indicating that the relatives have already been contacted by the hospital and informed of the situation.

As for the health professionals of the Medical Service 1, HESE said, around 50 tests were carried out, which resulted in two positive cases for the new coronavirus that causes the covid-19 disease.

The infected health professionals “are quarantined at home and do not inspire care” and the rest “continue to perform functions, complying with all security measures, under active surveillance,” he noted.

The Évora hospital has stressed that patients and professionals from both services “will continue to undergo tests in the coming days” and that Medicine 1 and Psychiatry and Mental Health have “hospitalizations and discharge suspended until the situation normalizes.”

Quoted in the statement, the president of the HESE board of directors, Maria Filomena Mendes, said that although the Évora hospital had not previously had “any situation of this type since the beginning of the pandemic, the probability of this happening increases. as the community increases the number of positive and active cases, even in strict compliance with all security protocols ”.

“We are monitoring professionals and patients permanently, under active surveillance and complying with all the measures of our contingency plan. Among the positives we have, so far, only two patients and a professional with symptoms and the rest are asymptomatic, “he added.
