DGS will investigate the increase of 35,000 suspected cases of Covid-19 in 48 hours


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The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, promised, this Tuesday during the daily press conference, to investigate the peak of suspects in Covid-19 that occurred between Sunday and Monday, in which another 35,000 cases were added.

After mentioning on Monday that the DGS strategy was to have “a wide mesh” to capture the largest number of cases, a day later, at the insistence of Renaissance In order to understand the causes of this anomalous variation, he promised to find some justifiable justification, then he would communicate it.

“We have been very stable, but there are random daily variations and even the variations of the suspects when there are cases like houses or the case of the hostel in Lisbon. These variants increase these numbers soon. However, the methodology remains. Do not forget also that the tests have increased in the homes, in the last days “, explains the general director of Health.

Another 35,000 suspected cases in 48 hours? DGS explains the method, but not the variation

“In any case, I will investigate this number and if there is anything relevant, I will communicate this information to you,” he concludes.

Peak increase

In the last two days, 35,000 suspected cases have appeared in the report of the General Directorate of Health (DGS). Director-General Graça Freitas addressed the issue at the press conference on Monday, attributing the figures “to the wide mesh” used by health authorities, but without explaining what justifies the increase in values ​​since the weekend.

“At the moment, we use a very wide mesh in the SNS. We prefer to detect many cases that are not positive than to miss a positive case. All callers to SNS 24 are suspected and showing symptoms, even mild ones. They are then contacted by a doctor, evaluated and found negative. But it is a strategy of our country to capture as many suspicious people as possible to take the exam, “he explained.

Contrary to what happened in the Bulletin on Sunday and Monday, in which there were unprecedented increases between suspected and unconfirmed cases, today’s Bulletin returned to “normalize” the values ​​in these more general parameters: the number of cases suspects had a 2.2% increase (4,416 more, after 35,642 in the last 48 hours, in a total of 202,769)

DGS balance. Portugal with 470 deaths (more than 35) and 15,987 infected (more than 515)