DGS refuses to give an opinion on Avante, but says the analysis is “more complex” than in other events – Observer


This Sunday, the General Directorate of Health (DGS) sent the final technical opinion with the Avante bases to the organization of the event, the PCP, but it says that it will not release the document because it considers it appropriate ”.the organizing entity to do so, if you wish. “In a statement, the entity led by Graça Freitas maintains that the analysis of the event is“time consuming and more complex than the innumerable facts that DGS has analyzed ”.

Avante, writes the DGS, is an event “with multiple spaces and to which the rules of areas for restaurants, cultural events and movement of people apply. “When holding events, it is necessary to ensure all aspects that allow safeguarding not only the health of the participants, but also the community as a whole, since, epidemiologically, each event carries risks“, You can read.

Marcelo pressures DGS to reveal Avante’s guidelines. “I never thought we would get to five days without knowing the rules of the game”

The multivariate of the social component of the event., as well as the participation of multi-generational citizens, makes this an event whose analysis is time-consuming and more complex than the countless events that DGS has analyzed ”.

The DGS highlights that “several meetings were held to adapt the organization of the event to the public health measures inherent in the context of the pandemic.” But she assures that she will not disclose the content of the opinion, “like all the technical opinions issued so far, it is up to the organizing entity to do so, if it so decides.”

More than 40 blackberry traders will close during the Avante Festival

The DGS statement comes after the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, criticized the entity for not revealing the bases of the event and said that he is concerned about the lack of clarity. “I never thought we’d get to five days without knowing the rules of the game”He told reporters, on a visit to Monchique.

More than 40 merchants from the surroundings of Quinta da Atalaia, in the parish of Amora, will close the establishments during the Festa do Avante, as a “precaution” and to “mitigate the risk” of contagion by the new coronavirus. The main driver of the protest on social networks even says that “the statistical probability of being contaminated is exponential.”
