DGS prohibits the general assembly of lawyers from deciding on CPAS – Economy


The Assembly of Lawyers registered in the Pension Fund for Lawyers and Attorneys (CPAS), scheduled for this Thursday morning at the Lisbon Conference Center, was convened, following the unfavorable opinion of the General Directorate of Health (DGS), or of the Health Delegate.

“Given the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the health authorities understood that the security conditions for its realization were not met,” advances in a statement the president of the Illustrious Bar Association, who inherently presides over the Table of the General Assembly of Lawyers benefited by CPAS. Meneses Leitão had asked for an opinion on the plenary session, which is scheduled for a few weeks and aims to discuss the value of the contributions to the Social Security Fund of these professionals.

The subject has been on the agenda, given the decision of the CPAS to increase the amount of the minimum monthly contribution required by approximately six euros, to 256.97 euros. The measure was the target of strong criticism and was rejected by the members of the General Council of the institution and the two professional bodies, Lawyers and Attorneys and Enforcement Agents, decided to hold urgent meetings of the respective beneficiary assemblies, so that they could pronounce themselves.

Lawyers also have the possibility to go ahead with a referendum to decide if they want the CPAS to be optional, and whoever wants to can start deducting for Social Security. The attorneys have already made a decision in this regard, sending Parliament a proposal to modify the statutes of the Order.

Lawyers and attorneys say they are dissatisfied with the high amounts of contributions required by the CPAS and that, they believe, do not translate into support when necessary, as happened recently, in the context of the pandemic.
