DGS points the way for soccer players, FC Porto and Sporting disagree | Covid-19


The General Directorate of Health dictated the rules that support an eventual return of soccer. – youextensive list of health requirements but there is, until you see, unanimity. Danilo, Tiquinho Soares and Zé Luís, FC Porto players, and Francisco Geraldes, sports athlete, have already expressed their disagreement with at least one of the assumptions defined by the DGS, with reactions adapted to modern times: on social networks and the use of emojis.

Although it is not, for now, a clear manifesto of refusal to enter the field, the athletes’ opinion is, at least, a “sand in the gear” in the return of soccer, one more.

First, the Portuguese international Danilo published, on Instagram, an emoji with his thumb in a disapproving position, specifically referring to point 1 of the Code of Conduct prepared by DGS.

The point says that “FPF, Liga Portugal, the clubs that participate in the NOS League and athletes assume, at all stages of competitions and training, the existing risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, as well as well as responsibility for all possible clinical consequences of the disease and the risk to public health. “

Apparently not very comfortable with the possible responsibility of the athletes and clubs with something that goes wrong, Tiquinho Soares and Zé Luís followed the captain of FC Porto.

The Brazilian published a similar image, writing “No”, while the Cape Verdean, with more words, considered that “it can only be a joke.”

This Monday, Sporting Lisbon midfielder Francisco Geraldes also suggested that he was against point 1 of the Code of Conduct, and published it on Instagram with the description “and it is only point 1”.

DGS will reevaluate if infections spread

These reactions, as a disagreement with the plans of the DGS and the Portuguese Football Federation, come hours after cases of new covid-19 infections began to affect more national clubs. And there was also the first known infection in one of the “big ones.”

After three cases in Vitória de Guimarães, five in Famalicão and one in Moreirense, Benfica revealed an infection in the team and even reported the name of the player, in this case, the young Portuguese midfielder David Tavares.

The greater media coverage of the arrival of the covid-19 to one of the greats could, of course, provoke further reflection on the return of football, something that DGS has already proposed.

Even before releasing the Code of Conduct, the health agency had already He promised to reevaluate the risk of soccer’s return if the positive cases increase.

“It is a very complex situation to reconcile the return of football activity with health and safety regulations. It is difficult to define red lines. If the tests carried out on the teams show a high number of positive people, they should be considered by the health authorities, ”explained Graça Freitas, general director of Health.

A reflection that, if infections spread among footballers, could end with something that has not yet started or, at least, lead to a revision of the Code of Conduct prepared by DGS.
