DGS does not reveal final technical opinion sent to the organization Festa do Avante


The General Directorate of Health says it will not make public the technical opinion it had on the Festa do Avante. And leave the burden of the PCP to reveal its contents. “The DGS will not disclose the content of this opinion, like all the technical opinions issued so far, and it is up to the organizing entity to do so, if it so decides,” he said in a statement sent to the newsrooms this Sunday.

The communication comes a few hours after public criticism from the President of the Republic, who said he was concerned about not knowing the rules of the Festa do Avante.

The statement indicates that the organization of the Festa do Avante requested a technical opinion from the General Health Directorate for the celebration of the usual PCP party, “the final version of which was delivered to the organization today, as planned.”

According to the DGS, “several meetings” were held to adapt the organization of the event to the public health measures inherent in the context of the pandemic. It is important to note that this is an event with multiple spaces and to which the rules of the catering areas, cultural events and movement of people apply. When holding events, it is necessary to ensure all aspects that allow safeguarding not only the health of the participants, but also the community as a whole, since, epidemiologically, each event carries risks “.

And he concludes: “The multivariate social component of the event, as well as the participation of citizens from several generations, makes this an event whose analysis takes a long time and is more complex than the innumerable events that the DGS has analyzed. The final opinion, which was delivered today to the Festa do Avante Organization, condenses all the information “.
