DGS deixa recomendações para o regresso às creches


Some of the measures that integrate the recommendations of the Directorate-Geral da Saúde (DGS), for the reopening of creches and pre-school, it may be part of plans of consistency, but it may be more difficult to place in practice, especially I have I said that I wrapped up my children for six years.

O Governo da República defined a transition period for the opening of the creches, between May 18 and June 1, more in accordance with Rádio Renascença (RR) to Minister of Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social placed in this reopening .

“Ana Mendes Godinho sublinhou that or returned to or coexisted between children and educators is still dependent on the assessment that Governo and the health authorities will be facing this first week in the state of calamity,” he told RR.

In the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the establishments await the decision of the Regional Government, which is also due on June 1 for this reopening of creches and preschool.
As soon as they wait for the decision, some countries and professions involved will express their doubts and many worries about this issue, according to the day or day in their edition of this Saturday.

Meanwhile, DGS has advanced with some guidelines that will be made available by all creches:

– Existence of Covid-19 suspended cases isolating area, with defined circuits and isolaves;

– Guarantee of substitution of public officials;

– No use of conditioning systems in the recirculation system;

– Existence of a disinfectant gel dispenser per room;

– Enclosure of spaces not used;

– Arejamento dos espaços com apertura de portas e janelas;

– Rigor in the hygiene of all the spaces, with reinforcement of cleaning and decontamination actions, including cleaning of tables and cadeiras between shifts in “canteens”;

– Distance between crianças nas pausas e spaces de refeição;

– Berços, beds ou cots always used for the criança month and with a minimum space of 2m between each other (it has been believed that there was a lack of space to implement this measure);

– Division of turmas, making them smaller;

– Fixed turmas, occupying daily or the same space, as the same educator and as the same circuits of circulation;

– Working tables oriented not in the same sense (as creches trabalham usually with round tables or “U” shaped);

– Use of “surgical mask” for professional hairs and hairs that have been older than 6 years (this is the only time that the mask is not allowed);

– Space of 2m between crianças (measure that DGS itself recognizes is not easy to apply);

– Teaching material must not be shared among children;

– I jump you pessoais ficam em casa;

– The country must make available shoes for exclusive use not inside das creches;

– The country cannot enter the creches, and the delivery and reception of the crianças must be individualized;

– In the case of transport of children in travels made available by creches, or companies that provide this type of service, they will be applied at the same time as they are in force for public transport.
