DGS cancels press conference on Covid-19 – Jornal Económico


The press conference of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) this Friday on the epidemiological balance of Covid-19 in Portugal has been canceled. However, the daily bulletin with the update of the pandemic figures will be published as planned.

According to the news on the “Renascença” radio, the confirmation was given by a source from the Ministry of Health who reported that the cancellation is due to the minister, Marta Temido, who will be in Porto this afternoon.

From the beginning of the pandemic until June, the DGS and the Ministry of Health’s press conferences on the pandemic in Portugal were daily, having been held only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

In October the usual presences that have been in the press conferences began to alternate between the Minister of Health Marta Temido, the Undersecretary of State Lacerda Sales, the Secretary of State for Health Diogo Lopes and the director Graça Freitas who has been the most present in press conferences, being replaced on occasions by the deputy director Diogo Cruz.
