DGS Bulletin. The largest number of people recovered, the second largest drop in hospitalization and the reversal of focus in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley – Observer


Portugal has 27,913 confirmed cases of Covid-19, according to the report of the General Directorate of Health on the epidemiological situation in the country this Tuesday, May 12. There was an increase of 234 cases, a percentage increase of 0.8%, 0.4% more than the previous day. The number of deaths increased from 1,144 to 1,163, 19 more (more than double the previous day), increasing the mortality rate to 4.17% (4.13% the previous day). Finally, the number of recovered cases increased to 3,013, 464 more than the previous day, an increase of 18.2%, which is the highest in a single day – more than half of that in the last week from May 4 to 10 (860).

The 36 cases that disappeared from the DGS bulletin were “clean duplicate users”

At the same time, there is another important fact in this Bulletin: the number of cases in the hospital had second longest descent since the beginning of the pandemic (96), only surpassed by the one registered on March 18 (116) and which coincided with a change in the parameters that aimed to place around 85% of cases in the home. The other noteworthy note on Tuesday has to do with the number of new cases in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, 140 of 234 (equivalent to 76% of new cases in the last 24 hours), an increase that has been prolonged in the Summary of the municipalities that had the greatest increases in Lisbon, Loures, Odivelas, Sintra, Oeiras and Amadora.

[Acompanhe aqui tudo o que tem mesmo de saber no mapa interativo sobre o coronavírus em Portugal]

What you really need to know about the coronavirus in Portugal

The analysis of the Report of the General Directorate of Health on the epidemiological situation in Portugal of this Tuesday May 12 It can be done through several different points, namely:

Total number of cases, deaths and recoveries.

Increased number of cases recovered in a single day. Portugal has 27,913 confirmed cases of Covid-19, according to the report of the General Directorate of Health on the epidemiological situation in the country this Tuesday, May 12. There was an increase of 234 cases, a percentage increase of 0.8%, 0.4% more than the previous day. The number of deaths increased from 1,144 to 1,163, 19 more (more than double the previous day), increasing the mortality rate to 4.17% (4.13% the previous day). Finally, the number of cases recovered increased to 3,013, 464 more than the previous day, an increase of 18.2%, which is the highest in a single day.

Evolution of the number of cases per week: March 2 to 8 (30), March 9 to 15 (245, +215), March 16 to 22 (1,600, +1,355), March 23 to 29 (5,962, +4,362), March 30 to 5 April (11,278, +5,316), April 6 to 12 (16,585, +5,307), April 13 to 19 (20,206, +3,621), April 20 to 26 (23,683, +3,477), April 27 to 3, May (25,282, +1,599) and from May 4 to 10 (27,581, +2,299)

Evolution of the number of deaths per week: March 2 to 8 (0), March 9 to 15 (0), March 16 to 22 (14, +14), March 23 to 29 (119, +105), March 30 to April 5 ( 295, +176), from April 6 to 12 (504, +209), from April 13 to 19 (714, +210), from April 20 to 26 (903, +189), from April 27 to May 3 (1,043, +140) and May 4 to 10 (1,135, +92)

Evolution in the number of people recovered per week: March 2 to 8 (0), March 9 to 15 (0), March 16 to 22 (5), March 23 to 29 (43, +38), March 30 to April 5 (75, + 32), from April 6 to 12 (277, +202), from April 13 to 19 (610, +333), from April 20 to 26 (1,329, +719), from April 27 to May 3 (1,689, + 360) and from May 4 to 10 (2,549, +860)

Characterization of deaths.

Fifteenth victim in the Azores, Madeira remains unregistered. The incidence remains in people over 70 years of age (14 of the 19 deaths in this Bulletin), which represent 86.9% of the 1,163 deaths from Covid-19 in the country (780 over 80 years of age, 231 between 70 and 79 years of age) ) Of the 19 deaths in the last 24 hours, 11 were recorded in people older than 80 years. Also to register the twelfth victim between the ages of 40 and 49, with three of the 19 deaths in the last 24 hours with less than 60 years. At the regional level, and contrary to what happened the previous day, the North had the most deaths in the last 24 hours (nine, out of a total of 660), more than in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley (other six, out of a total of 254) and in the Center (three more, for a total of 219). There were no deaths in the last 24 hours in Alentejo, Sur and Madeira, but there was another death in the Azores (a total of 15).

Characterization of the number of cases by region.

76% of new cases in Lisbon and the Tagus Valley. The North continues to be the region with the highest number of cases, but there is still a tendency to change in recent days: contrary to what happened for many days until the last week, Lisbon and the Tagus Valley again had a greater increase than the North, with 178 more cases in a total of 7,494, a percentage increase of 2.4%. In other words, 76% of new cases in the last 24 hours were in that region. The North had 45 more cases, an increase of 0.3% in a total of 16,053. There were also residual increases in three more regions: eight more cases in the Center (0.2%, in a total of 3,553), two more in the South (0.6%, in a total of 350) and one more in Alentejo (0.4%, totaling 238). Azores (135) and Madeira (90) had no cases.

Number of countries and imported cases.

Another day without registration of new imported cases. After 11 consecutive days with no change in the number of imported cases, the number of imported cases changed again last Friday with 19 more cases, but has not registered a change since then. Thus, the 770 cases imported from 50 countries remain. Spain (177), France (137), the United Kingdom (88), the United Arab Emirates (48) and Switzerland (45) continue to be the five countries with the highest record of imported cases.

Number of cases by age group.

Almost 60% of new cases among people under the age of 50. The range between 50 and 59 years continues to be the one with the highest number of Covid-19 cases, according to today’s Bulletin: 37 more cases, totaling 4,710, while the range between 40 and 40 49 years recorded 44 more cases, in a total of 4,693. In the other two main analysis parameters, there were a total of only 17% of new cases older than 70 years (plus seven, for a total of 2,365) and older than 80 years (plus 33, for a total of 4,245) , well below that. It was found among people younger than 50 years (59.8%, with 140 of 234 new cases in the last 24 hours). The age group that increased the most in relation to the previous day was between 40 and 49 years old (plus 44, with a total of 4,693), followed by the age groups of 20 to 29 years (plus 38, with a total of 3,372 ) and 30 to 39 years (plus 38, for a total of 4,027).

Number of hospitalized and intensive care cases.

Fewer 96 hospitalized cases. The number of hospitalization cases fell unprecedented this Tuesday, with 96 fewer cases in a total of 709, representing a percentage decrease of 11.9% (that is, almost half of what was registered in mid-April) . The number of cases in Intensive Care Units, which had been decreasing since last Wednesday, had the incorporation of one more person, totaling 113 (more 0.9%).

Number of suspected, unconfirmed cases, under surveillance and awaiting results

4.4% fewer surveillance contacts with health authorities. The Bulletin presents stabilized values ​​in the most general parameters in two fields and more altered values ​​in two others: the number of suspected cases increased by 1.4% (3,780 more, in a total of 279,933) and the number of unconfirmed cases also increased 1.4% (other 3,469, out of a total of 249,301), while contacts under surveillance by the health authorities, which had increased by 7.5% the previous day, fell again by 4.4% (minus 1,253 , out of a total of 27,054) and cases awaiting results, which had fallen by 4.1% the previous day, have now increased by 2.9% (77 more, in a total of 2,719).

Characterization of cases by gender.

58.8% of the cases registered in Portugal were women. In Portugal, a gender distribution trend continues to be confirmed: the percentage of infected women has increased slightly and gradually, with two more women than men infected in relation to this new Bulletin in a total of 4,919 more positive cases in women (in a total of 16,416 cases, 58.8% of the 27,913 in Portugal).

Number of cases by municipality

The highest increases for the day were between the municipalities of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo. Lisbon continues to be the country’s county with the most cases of Covid-19, with a total of 1,791 (54 more than the previous day), and also had the highest growth in this Bulletin, marked by the escalations in other municipalities of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo: there were 29 more cases in Loures (536 in total), 24 more in Odivelas (301 in total), 21 more in Sintra (790 in total), 11 more in Oeiras (288 in total) and ten more in Amadora ( 458 in total)) In contrast, some northern counties with more cases had residual increases, cases of Vila Nova de Gaia (three more, a total of 1,458), Porto (plus one, a total of 1,304), Braga (plus one , a total of 1,153) or Gondomar (plus two, total 1,050).

Characterization of confirmed cases by symptoms.

Cough is still the main symptom. The symptoms presented among the positive tests (with information from 89% of these cases, the same percentage from the previous day) did not change in relation to the previous day: there is a higher prevalence of cough (42%) and fever (30% ), followed by muscle pain (21%) and headache (20%). Generalized weakness (15%) and respiratory difficulties (12%) are the symptoms with the lowest incidence rate.
