Despair and fear grow as time passes without a trace of Valentina


Anxiety and fear of what could have happened to Valentina, the 9-year-old girl who has been missing since Thursday, in Peniche, begin to grow among family and friends, after three days of searching.

With each sighting news, hitherto always false, hope is reborn, but for a short time, as was the discovery of suspicious articles of clothing and objects at various points, which quickly concluded that they had nothing to do with the girl. The mystery remains and the absence of clues has hampered the work of the authorities.

Yesterday, the mobilization was general, but at the end of the day, no progress had been made. After another day of searching, the mother of the youngest, Sónia Fonseca, published a new message of despair on social networks: “Another day to end, more hours that seem to have no end … My love, my angel, my life Where are you? You? “Wrote the woman, appealing to divine power to bring Valentina back into her arms.

100 volunteers

Sónia’s sadness was compounded by the sadness of the approximately 100 volunteers who responded to the call of the Parish Council of Atouguia da Baleia, in the municipality of Peniche, to reinforce the search mechanism on land, abandoned houses, annexes and farms, not only in the vicinity of the Bairro do Capitão, where the girl’s father lives, but also in the neighboring villages.

“It is a frustration. People answered the call, but unfortunately we did not achieve anything. We will continue searching until all possibilities are exhausted,” said the president of the Freguesia Board, Afonso Claro, promising that he will return to the field today. , with the reinforcement of mountain biking practitioners.

Sightings and findings

Since Valentina Fonseca disappeared, several found objects and reported sightings, allegedly related to the boy, have been turned over to the GNR. Yesterday, for example, a children’s T-shirt and a cardigan, found in the field, were delivered. However, sources from that security force assured JN that none of the objects belonged to the girl and that no sightings were confirmed.

The Judicial Police (PJ), which has also been on the ground, has already collected testimonies from parents and other expert information, and continues to work on the basis of the voluntary “disappearance” of the child. “At the moment, no evidence of a crime has been found,” said a PJ source. Valentina Fonseca has been missing since Thursday morning.

The parents are separated, their custody is shared, and the girl spent the week with her father and stepmother. It is suspected that he left his house at night or early in the morning, wearing pajamas and slippers.

Her father didn’t see her until eight, when he got up to go to work. In 2018, the girl had already left home, missing her mother, who lives in Bombarral, but was found approximately an hour later. The family is silent.
