Deputies approve risk subsidy for security forces


The PSD was able to implement the proposal to create a risk subsidy for the security forces that will come into effect in the first half of next year.

“By the end of the first semester of 2021, the Government will take the necessary measures to grant risk subsidies to professionals of the security forces, through the corresponding negotiation process with the respective representative associations,” the approved standard reads. this Wednesday with the votes in favor of PSD, Bloco de Esquerda, PCP, CDS and Chega. The Liberal Initiative abstained and only the PS voted against it.

“The attribution of a risk allowance to the elements of the security forces in the effective exercise of their functions has been repeatedly demanded by these professionals whose daily performance involves high physical and emotional stress, with the imponderable risks inherent to their physical integrity and his own life ”, explain the Social Democratic deputies in the explanatory statement.

The PSD recalls that this situation had already been recognized by the parliament that recommended to the Government, in 2018, the attribution of a subsidy to the elements of the PSP.

The Social Democratic Party recalls that the risk is even greater now in times of pandemic “when we know that these professionals have been, from the beginning, at the forefront in the control, throughout the national territory, of compliance with preventive measures and protection of populations, with risks to public health, and others associated with them “.

News updated at 4:15 p.m.
