Depression Dora raises alert to orange in districts of Braga and Viana


The Chamber of Barcelos, with a majority PS, approved for 2021 the largest budget in its history, worth 84.6 million euros, but with the vote against the PSD and the CDS, who speak of “more of the same” .

As for those elected from Barcelos, Terra de Futuro (BTF), one abstained and the other, who in the meantime abandoned that independent movement and “joined” the socialist majority, voted in favor.

The budget now approved represents an increase of 14 million euros compared to 2020.

The increase is justified, above all, by the transfer of funds referring to the delegation of powers in the field of Education, the increase in the transfer of funds from the State Budget and requests for community funds.

“Although direct transfers from the State to the municipality of Barcelos have increased by around 8% compared to 2020, this may not be enough to support the expected loss of own income, motivated by the economic recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. 19. , in areas as important as the spillage of the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) or even the decrease in income from licenses ”, adds the Chamber.

For PSD and CDS, the Chamber “could and should” lower the IMI rate and pour it in, in addition to returning part of the IRS.

The two parties also consider that the Budget for 2021 represents the postponement of a “real investment plan” in structural works, such as the acquisition of land for the new hospital, the closure of the urban circular and the Arcozelo and Tamel S. variants. Very true. , the elimination of level crossings, the pedestrian and road connection from the central bus station to the city center, the restoration of most of the municipal roads or a “serious bet” on the river and the river fronts.

“The options are the same, there is definitely no new dynamic when the city, the municipality and the people need it most,” reads the PSD’s explanation of vote.

The socialist majority has a different vision, which highlights the ongoing investments in the areas of mobility, urban regeneration and educational, cultural, social and health structures, as well as “a wide range” of projects to start during the year. 2021 and which include “a strong participation of community funds”.

“In the same way, the investments in the parishes are maintained, through the transfer of funds for an amount equal to what would be foreseen in the cooperation contract for the year 2021, that is, more than 5.9 million euros”, Add.

It also says that support for people in situations of greatest economic and social need (such as housing and school social work), as well as public and private institutions that are at the forefront of fighting the pandemic, will be maintained and strengthened.

“At the same time that it is prepared to face any emergency situation, the Chamber, with this Budget proposal, is endowed with the necessary financial instruments for the planned investments (both those that are part of the community programs and those that show priority in the municipality territory and in alliance with the parishes), social and cultural support and investments linked to the decentralization of competences in the area of ​​Education, thus maintaining the development objectives set and assumed with the people of Barcelona for the period that ends in 2021 “. , shoot.
