Delgado Alves destroys Sousa Pinto for attacking the new leader of JS



“More than Miguel’s Stalinism, we may have a problem of lack of notion of who accuses,” defends Delgado Alves.

The vice president of the PS bench, Pedro Delgado Alves, came out in defense of the new leader of JS, Miguel Costa Matos, after the accusations of Stalinism made by the socialist deputy Sérgio Sousa Pinto.

“Any observant observer without difficulty will conclude that more than Miguel’s Stalinism, perhaps we have a problem of not knowing who he accuses.”

“Any observant observer without difficulty will conclude that more than Miguel’s Stalinism, perhaps we have a problem of not knowing who he is accusing. Nothing that an apology for an unhappy or thoughtless moment does not correct, ”Delgado Alves wrote on Facebook.

It is recalled that Sérgio Sousa Pinto accused Miguel Costa Matos of adopting “the behavior of a Stalinist” by not mentioning his name and that of António José Seguro, in a speech in which he cited previous leaders, such as Alberto Arons de Carvalho, Margarida Marquis. , Pedro Nuno Santos, Duarte Cordeiro and Maria Begonha, the leader of JS immediately before you.
