Delaying velhice will be possible in a few years, says a Portuguese specialist


The president of the Institute of Molecular Medicine accredits that, in a few years, it will be possible to revert or enrich the cell process in human beings and, in a short time, it will be able to “live with the best quality”.

He explained to a specialist that amortization – I concede that he discovers the possibility of living for years to come – it is a reality that is closest to being released. “O process of envelhecimento não é irreversível eo conceito de amortalidade refere-se à possibilidade que ciência offers us that o envelhecimento das cells can be reversed as it happens,” says Maria do Carmo Fonseca, adding that this is not the case It is in the next phase.

“Or that we intend to transform this reversion, feita em laboratório, sure em pessoas, pois os results já gotten in animais são muito promissores”, revealed professor professor at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, simplifying or that is in cause: ” As we live more time feeling young, this is how we live more years with quality, free of doença, physically active and saudáveis. “

Distinguished as a Pessoa award in 2010, a specialist clarifies that This process may delay or appear the doenças that são responsáveis ​​pela maior fatia da mortalidade populacional, nomeadamente cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension and oncological pathologies.

“It is difficult to foresee when we are going to have medically safe interventions, but every year there are more studies that we have accompanied and that have given us a time horizon that is not very long,” he said, without committing any data.

Alívio served us with health and sociais

“An extension of the life expectancy with the quality goes, necessarily, with the effects of the National Health Service, with the reduction of waiting lists and less care,” he illustrates, dramatizing the social effects that I predict.

“Many people refer to this issue as a problem for the sustainability of the social security system, but in truth we live more and more, we will also be more productive during more time, contributing more and spending less resources than what currently happens”, counter.

Theories of imortalidade são irreais

Regarding theories of imortality, the president of the Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM) said that no passam of “fables” and that is or is to be developed is not a field of preventive medicine. I am glad that nothing can be done for so many years by the fact that the people are dead and that, inevitably, or envelhecimento, late embora, will make itself felt. For this reason, I warned, the behaviors that are feared or longevity will continue to prevail.

“Naturally it will happen in the absence of organs, which is the same as this process of delay will always happen. Isso is intimately linked to the lifestyle and exposure to certain environmental stimuli, which will greatly increase the likelihood of vir to ter canc e and Morrer dessa doença. There are a lot of pains in play so that in spite of the longest life of my life, I found one of these causes of death, “he concluded.
