Deflation begins on Monday. Know the calendar


The Government approved this Thursday, April 30, the plan to lift the restrictions applied since mid-March due to the covid-19 pandemic. Find out the calendar and the conditions under which it will be possible to travel by public transport, work places and shops.

May 4th
Public transport with a capacity of 2/3, but with the obligatory use of a mask;
Decentralized public services (conservatories, tax offices, etc.) with the use of masks and an appointment;
Shops with open doors to the street of up to 200 square meters (mandatory use of a mask);
Hairdressers, manicurists and the like (by appointment);
Automotive bookstores and trade, regardless of area;
Libraries and archives;
Playing individual sports outdoors.

May 18
Stores with open doors to the street of up to 400 square meters or parts of stores of up to 400 square meters (or larger by decision of the municipality);
Restaurants, cafes and cakes (50% capacity, open until 11 p.m. and specific conditions);
Museums, monuments and palaces, art galleries and the like.

May 30/31
Religious ceremonies: community celebrations according to the rules to be defined between DGS and religious denominations;
Football: official competitions of the 1st Football League and the Portuguese Cup (without public).

June 1
Partial telework, with delayed schedules or mirror equipment;
Citizen shops (mandatory use of mask / hygiene and cleaning);
Stores with an area greater than 400 meters or inserted in shopping centers;
Kindergartens, preschools and ATLs;
Cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, concert halls (marked seats, reduced capacity and physical distance).

However, there are measures that are maintained during the month of May, such as, for example, compulsory confinement for sick people and under active surveillance, civic duty of home collection, the maximum capacity of five people per 100 square meters in closed spaces. and funerals only with the presence of family members.
