Deaths in Sweden continue to rise and already exceed eight thousand


Swedish health authorities registered 22,439 new cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours, increasing the total to 289,439 and 174 deaths, bringing deaths to 8,167.

“The situation is still serious and we do not see any reduction [do contágio]”Said Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of the department of the Public Health Agency (FHM), in a press conference, an organization that a month ago had pointed out a possible scenario in which the curve would reach its maximum point in mid-December.

The incidence in the last 14 days amounts to 883 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Sweden, according to data from the authorities.

Fourteen of the 21 Swedish regions are at the second highest alarm level and all expect it to be maintained or even increased in the short term, when only 23% of intensive care units are free, revealed the Directorate General for Affairs. Social.

Sweden, which during the first wave stood out for its more relaxed strategy, with many recommendations, and for registering the highest mortality in the Nordic countries, promoted a more interventionist line in the last month and a half.

The Swedish government ordered distance learning in colleges and universities, limited the number of people authorized to public gatherings to eight, restricted the activity of restaurants and recommended the use of masks in public transport for the first time, following the advice of the FHM.

The death rate from covid-19 is 78.49 per 100,000 inhabitants, five times higher than in Denmark and 10 times higher than that of Finland and Norway, but below Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain or France. according to the Johns Hopkins University tally.

Since this morning, the Swedish authorities have imposed border closures for a month on foreigners from the United Kingdom due to the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 and have recommended that two tests be carried out to all those who arrived from Sweden to Gran Brittany in the last week.

The border closure also affects neighboring Denmark, but in this case, to reduce the risk of crowds and the spread of viruses in shopping malls and restaurants in southern Sweden, an area often visited by Danish tourists.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,703,500 deaths derived from more than 77.2 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 6,254 people died out of 378,656 confirmed cases of infection, according to the most recent bulletin from the Directorate General of Health.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.
