Deaths in homes lead Ana Mendes Godinho and Marta Temido to the Assembly of the Republic – O Jornal Económico


The ministers of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, and of Health, Marta Temido, will be targeted by opposition parliamentarians this Wednesday morning, starting at 9:00 a.m., in a joint hearing of the commissions of Work and Social Security. and Health in which government officials will hear questions about the Covid-19 outbreaks that in recent months have caused hundreds of user and employee deaths.

Ana Mendes Godinho and Marta Temido were summoned to the Assembly of the Republic as a result of the requests presented by the CDS and the PAN to the Health Commission and PSD by the Labor and Social Security Commission, motivated in particular by the response of the Executive to the 162 cases of contagion in the nursing home of the Maria Inácia Vogado Perdigão Silva Foundation, in Reguengos de Monsaraz, which caused 18 deaths.

During the joint hearing held in the Senate Chamber, deputies such as Clara Marques Mendes and Ricardo Baptista Leite (PSD), Ana Rita Bessa and João Almeida (CDS) and Bebiana Cunha (PAN) will face each other, who will seek to determine political responsibilities for a situation. in households that weakened the Minister of Labor – despite having the support of the Prime Minister, who was one of the main bets in the Council of Ministers that came out of the last legislatures, and having been elected president of the district federation of Guarda do PS – since Ana Mendes Godinho granted an interview to “Expresso” in which she admitted that she had not read a report from the Ordem dos Médicos on the breakdowns that occurred in the Alentejo house, being accused of making the impact of the pandemic down in this population.

The situation in Portuguese homes even led the President of the Assembly of the Republic, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, to stand up during the presentation of the epidemiological situation of Covid-19 in Portugal, held last week at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Port. as no lessons were learned from the first months of the pandemic.

In this sense, the PSD requirement establishes that “every day the country learns of new outbreaks and, in some cases, of the abandonment to which many older people have voted, often with tragic consequences in terms of loss of human life” . Noting “inability” to the Government to prevent and combat the “recurrence of outbreaks in homes”, the Social Democrats made it clear, referring to the interview of the Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security to “Expresso”, that “the lack of responsibility and the devaluation of the very serious events that culminated in the death of 18 people in a home in Reguengos de Monsaraz is politically incomprehensible and humanly unacceptable ”.

What is at stake is the need to “fully clarify” the performance of the two ministries with regard to nursing homes, as well as to reveal the measures taken in terms of clinical staff, funding and standards of conduct, particularly regarding to contingency plans. “With a view to minimizing or preventing the appearance of new Covid-19 outbreaks”

In the application of the PAN, it was recalled that on June 17 the first case of contagion was registered in the Reguengos de Monsaraz home, but the Social Security only visited the facilities seven days later, as well as reports in the media that “they infected and uninfected people shared rooms, bathrooms and corridors for several days and the municipal emergency plan was only activated when there were almost 140 confirmed cases and eight deaths ”.

According to the PAN, it is necessary to establish responsibilities and what has failed in Reguengos de Monsaraz in terms of welfare and Social Security control, but also the revision of the Government’s epidemiological surveillance strategy in nursing homes, such as strengthening the health professionals in the institutions that host these people. The request also required the revision of the guidance of the General Health Directorate, which forced children and young people to 14 days of isolation, even with negative tests for Covid-19, each time they entered a residential institution, which that in the meantime stopped happening. .

For the CDS, “unfortunately it has been proven, in some cases in the worst way, that home users are one of the highest risk groups and with a very high mortality rate from Covid-19”, requiring that the Parliament should follow “the measures that are being taken, or should be taken, in Portugal” to stop the pandemic.

Cited in the centrist’s request unanimously approved by the deputies of the Health Commission was also the audit of the Ordem dos Médicos, in which it was concluded that the Reguengos de Monsaraz institution “did not comply with the guidelines of the General Directorate of Health “, several patients have been” a few days without the usual therapies, due to lack of personnel to prepare and administer them, presumably there have been cases of preparation and administration of drugs by untrained personnel. “
