Deaths and lies. This is how North Korea controls covid-19


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ordered the execution of at least two people, banned sea fishing and confined the city of Pyongyang as part of measures against COVID-19 and the economic effects of the pandemic.

South Korean intelligence services are releasing information about the outlook in North Korea. The report reports that the leader Kim Jong-un ordered the diplomats Pyongyang Do not harass the president-elect of the United States of America because they expect a new kind of approach to the administration of Joe biden not future.

The new information was communicated to South Korean lawmakers in Seoul, who received the latest report from South Korea’s National Information Services.

According to the South Korean legislator, Ha Tae-keung, quoting intelligence services, Kim Jong-un currently demonstrates “Excessive hatred” and applies “irrational measures” in the face of the covid-19 pandemic and the impacts on the country’s economy.

According to the report cited by Ha Tae-keung, the North Korean leader’s strategy goes through some deaths as sent run in October, a senior official from the foreign exchange department after being detained due to falling exchange rates.

The same document indicates that another senior official of the Pyongyang regime was executed in August for breach of measures on retention of imported goods.

The two victims were not identified in the report, reveals Jornal de Notícias.

North Korea fishing also prohibited and salt production to “prevent seawater from being contaminated with the new coronavirus,” say South Korean intelligence services. The country has also bordered the city of Pyongyang, the capital, and the northern province of Jagang. , as measures against the pandemic.

Other containment measures were applied when authorities found imported goods and foreign exchange. The information indicates that Pyongyang carried out acts of piracy against at least one South Korean pharmaceutical product which is developing a vaccine against the new coronavirus.

North Korea maintains that not a single case of covid-19 infection has been detected in the entire territory, information that is somewhat false by the scientific community and is questioned by international experts.

The effects of the global epidemic in North Korea can be quite catastrophic because the country’s health system is extremely poor and it does not have a supply of medical and sanitary material.

A pandemic forced North Korea to close its borders with the People’s Republic of China, the largest commercial and political partner. The closure of borders since January has affected the country’s economy marked by sanctions imposed by the United States.
