Death of Spanish co-driver cancels rally race in Marinha Grande | Manifestations


The Vidreiro Centro de Portugal Rally, in Marinha Grande, was officially canceled after an accident that killed Laura Salvo, a 21-year-old Spanish co-driver accompanying Miguel Socias.

“The competitor Laura Salvo, who competed as a navigator in the Peugeot Rally Cup Iberica, suffered an accident just at the beginning of the first stage, finally dying. The Clube Automóvel da Marinha Grande and the respective means of assistance arrived at the place in about two minutes, doing everything possible to save the young competitor, who was trying to resuscitate ”, reads the note released by the organization.

The same note, quoting the president of the Marinha Grande club, Nuno Pinto, adds: “The media took the victim to an area where it was possible that an emergency medical helicopter would arrive, but the competitor finally died on the spot. On my behalf and on behalf of the Clube Automóvel da Marinha Grande, I publicly address my feelings to the entire family, friends and team of the victim ”.

According to the website of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, the alert for the accident was given at 10 am, for the parish of Monte Redondo e Carreira, in the municipality of Leiria.

The commander of the Marinha Grande Volunteer Firefighters, Vítor Graça, clarified that “the vehicle got lost about 500/600 meters after leaving the first section, when it hit a pine tree. The victim was imprisoned and the means of assistance responded almost immediately, since they were very close ”.

There were 27 operations at the site, supported by eight vehicles and an aerial vehicle from INEM.
