D. Teodoro remains convinced of the innocence of Father Frederico – dnoticias.pt


The Bishop Emeritus of Funchal, D. Teodoro de Faria, told RTP that he remains convinced that Father Frederico Cunha, sentenced in the 1990s to 13 years in prison for the death of Luís Miguel Correia, was not responsible for the death. as a young child.
In the program ‘After the crime’, by Rita Marrafa de Carvalho, the former head of the Diocese of Funchal broke a silence of two decades to affirm: “After all, he was not guilty of that death they said.” The bishop, who ordained Frederico Cunha, continues to have no doubts and once again stressed that the Brazilian priest “never killed anyone.” “As for the rest, I do not speak”, concluded D. Teodoro.

The RTP program made a retrospective of the trial of the priest, who, in 1998, took advantage of a precarious departure from the Vale do Judeus prison, on the outskirts of Lisbon, to escape to Brazil.

In exclusive statements to RTP, Frederico Cunha said that the process that convicted him is “silly”, but that he is not hurt or hated anyone.
