Cristina Ferreira meets with lawyers at a new pump – Ferver


September started yesterday and marked the beginning of Cristina Ferreira’s contract with TVI. But on her first official day at the service of the Queluz de Baixo channel, the issues related to the SIC took her longer. After spending part of the morning on TVI, following the program ‘Você na TV!’ -to which she entered via phone call directly from her new office- the star met with lawyers to define issues related to the process that opposes her to SIC.

Today the deadline for Cristina to pay the 20 million euros in damages demanded by the channel ends and, with the star’s refusal to open the purse threads, the case goes to court. A process that Cristina wants to prepare down to the smallest detail. Yesterday she met for several hours at the Vieira de Almeida law firm to discuss strategies.

HE CM She was surprised to leave the venue, accompanied by director João Patrício, one of her right-handed men, who was driving the presenter’s new bomb, a Range Rover Sport, which can cost up to 205 thousand euros.

This is one of Cristina’s luxuries, who will earn 2.6 million euros a year on TVI, in an amount that can reach 3 million with advertising counterparts. Yesterday, the star announced part of what will be her new job at the station, where she will have the program ‘Cristina’s Day’. He also revealed other details. “Will you continue to be a host? I will. Will you join Goucha? I will. Will you have a new show? I will,” he wrote.
