Cristina disputes the SIC’s claim for compensation of 20 million. The station responds


Cristina Ferreira has already challenged the compensation claim of 20 million requested by the SIC, for having unilaterally interrupted the contract that linked her to the station until 2022 and for commercial commitments assumed that were impossible to materialize due to its transfer to TVI. The current shareholder of Media Capital, administrator and director of fiction and entertainment, accuses the station of the group Impresa of owing more than 222 thousand euros, according to TV7Dias.

SIC just reacted. “SIC was notified this week of the challenge presented by Cristina Ferreira, within the framework of the process that began after the illegal termination of the contract that linked it to the SIC until November 30, 2022”, the issuer begins by mentioning.

The station of the group Pinto Balsemão continues to react to the news that Cristina Ferreira’s defense assures that, despite being promised, she was never asked “for any collaboration in the second aspect of the activity.” Accusing SIC of being “focused on the use and exploitation of its image and denouncing elements of its personality.”

The defense of the former presenter of the morning SIC also says that, on several occasions, Cristina Ferreira complained about what was promised and not fulfilled in “lunches between you and Francisco Pedro Balsemão, where he, listening to her, assured her that he would change this situation. “.

Change that did not “occur until the end of the contract.” Cristina Ferreira also claims a debt, for advertising fees and other services, in the amount of 222,468.59 euros.

What SIC says

“The SIC already warns that it has no intention of publicly discussing issues that are specifically subject to the Court’s assessment. However, in light of the news published today, and the defense of the SIC’s image and reputation, that they intend to put in Cause-, the following questions must be clarified, ”says the station.
