Cristiano Ronaldo, best chosen in Serie A: “It was a strange but positive year” – CR7 daily


Portuguese ace distinguished as the best in 2019/20

Cristiano Ronaldo was voted the best player in the Italian league last season by the Association of Italian Footballers (AIC), at the ‘Gran Gala del Calcio’. It should be remembered that the Madeiran led Juventus to the ninth consecutive championship, with 31 goals in 33 matches in the competition.

Cristiano Ronaldo chose this as the best header goal of his career

Cristiano Ronaldo chose this as the best header goal of his career

“I want to thank all my teammates who made my victory possible and all those who voted for me – Consistency, confidence, work and passion are the keys to enjoying football. All these factors must coexist every day. Otherwise, It is impossible to play at this level at 34, 35, 36, 40. It takes motivation and a lot of discipline ”, said CR7, in a virtual ceremony.

The forward also took stock of a season marked by Covid-19: “It was a strange year, but on a personal and collective level it was positive, because we won the League. At first it was difficult to play in empty stadiums, but our goal was to win Serie A. And we did it. “

By Rafael Godinho


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