Creches. Crianças têm de manter metro e meio de distância nas sala, cantinas e during a sesta – Observer


The distance between crianças em creches e amas must be from a meter and a half I tied two meters, ou seja, the health authorities reduced by 50 centimeters to initial requirement. The news is advanced by Rádio Renascença who said that he had access to the final document sent by the Governo às institutions and professions of the setor. This distance will have to be maintained during the activities, which – whenever possible – must become a year, as the references are, when it exists.

As creches reopens the next second-feira, May 18.

Second or document, which I attributed to Rádio Renascença to Secretary of State of Social Ação, it is recommended that close contacts with children be avoided as much as possible, and should always be or same educator to guide or group. Assim, crianças and functionaries must be organized in fixed rooms, becoming or access to or space will be limited to the person who is affected.

Despite recommending that hygienization of more seja feita com frequência, or document defends that in some situation, some masks must be placed on children. Já os adults devem usá-semper, also touring or using luvas when necessary.

Já on or use of sanitary installations, recommends special care during trock das fraldas And at that moment some house of banho is used by more than two children of each time. From home to to creche não devem be levados nem jumps nem roupas ou sacos. As changes of roupa, duas for criança, they must be kept not this educational provision and returned in a discarded bag dated to the country whenever necessary.

As crianças não deverão use or calçado da rua no interior das creches, becoming ter calçado appropriate ou meias antiderrapantes. In these rooms, your jumps will have to be reduced to maximum and you will not be present.

For além disso, or guiding document cited by Rádio Renascença, suggest that you always make it possible no partilhem objects e that individual material is guaranteed for different activities.
