Covidien: I leave no Lar Mayor Time of Alcains


José Furtado / José Júlio Cruz – 11/27/2020 – 19:39

There are 41 infected users in an institution that houses more than a hundred people. ULSCB released the figures on Friday.

Lar Major Rato is the new cause for concern. Photo Archive Reconquest

There is a new outbreak of contagion by Covid-19 in a solidarity institution in the municipality of Castelo Branco, this time in Lar Major Rato de Alcains.

The information was confirmed to the Reconquest by the mayor of Castelo Branco shortly after the end of a meeting of the Municipal Civil Protection Commission, which was urgently convened this Friday.

In total 53 are infected, of which 41 users and 12 employees.

The house has 106 users and this Saturday there will be more tests.

According to President José Augusto Alves, the infected “are all asymptomatic”, they will remain in the institution that is being adapted and the situation is monitored by a public health technician.

“We have already assigned some material to the institution and at this moment we have to let it work so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible,” he told Reconquista.

At the Salgueiro do Campo Social Center home, the number of infected rose to 18 users and 12 employees, three cases more than on Monday, when Reconquista reported this outbreak.

The home is not licensed and in this situation the Social Security usually transfers the elderly to other institutions, however these users will remain at home until the infection is overcome.

With the new Alcains case, there are already four municipal institutions affected by the Covid-19 outbreaks, after the cases of Póvoa de Rio de Moinhos, La Misericordia de Castelo Branco and Salgueiro do Campo, the first two being considered outdated.

The Reconquista confirmed this Friday with the clinical director of the Local Health Unit of Castelo Branco that there are 329 cases of active infection in the municipality of Castelo Branco, 40 in Idanha-a-Nova, 22 in Penamacor, 30 in Oleiros, 22 in Proença-a-Nova, 17 in Sertã and two in Vila de Rei.

Vila Velha de Ródão is the only municipality in the ULSCB area that does not have active cases.

