Covid symptoms: ″ Parents notify school. The school notifies the health authorities of the area ″


“A parent should not take a sick child to school. He should call SNS 24. SNS 24 does an exam, say yes [a criança] Covid is suspected or not. Parents notify the school. The school notifies the health authorities in the area. The child is tested and evaluated at school ”. This is the circuit that a child or young person with symptoms of covid-19 must pass through, explained this Friday, the general director of Health, Graça Freitas, at a press conference.

Unraveling a little more the contents of the manual in preparation on how to act in case of suspected contagion in the school environment, Graça Freitas, assumed that the strategy involves communicating various entities from civil protection, to town councils, to services of health. school and health to detect early what may be the beginning of an outbreak of the new coronavirus.

Although the articulation between the different services is fundamental, the most important role concerns the parents, to whom the Director General of Health calls for children not to go to school, if they present any symptoms of covid (fever, cough, breathing difficulties). Instead, the advice is to call SNS 24 (808 24 24 24), where the need for a screening test will be evaluated.

Parents should also make another call to the school, which will trigger “a quick survey to see if any student needs to be isolated.”, Continues the head of DGS.
