Covid risk map: of the 113 municipalities with the most restrictions, 35 are at extreme risk (and see how yours is)


As of this Wednesday, 113 municipalities in the country are covered by the most restrictive regulations, as they are in the two levels with the highest risk of contagion. According to data released this Monday by the General Health Directorate (DGS), which served as the basis for the new risk map communicated on Saturday by the Government, among the 113 municipalities with the most worrying situation, there are 35 at the highest risk level high [veja o mapa e a lista de todos os concelhos no fim deste texto].

This list is headed by the municipality of Freixo de Espada à Cinta, with 2,153 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants between November 19 and December 2. Last week, this municipality in the Bragança district had the highest incidence (3,153 new infections), although it has since declined. Mondim de Basto, in the Vila Real district, has the second highest risk situation in the country, the other being the only municipality with an incidence of more than 2,000 new cases (2030).

With the exception of Gavião, in Alentejo, all the other municipalities with an incidence of more than 1,500 new cases are in the north. This is the case of Trofa, Guimarães, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Fafe, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Póvoa de Varzim, Chaves and Lousada.

Within this group of places with higher risk, and therefore with greater restrictions in the coming weeks, there are still some municipalities in Alentejo, such as Portalegre, Nisa or Marvão. It is they who paint a small spot further south of dark red. Even so, the risk map of Portugal continues to show lighter tones in the Baixo Alentejo area.

Porto now has 765 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants and Lisbon 556, which places them on the list of 113 municipalities with the strictest measures in the coming weekends. On the contrary, municipalities of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area such as Cascais (417), Oeiras (357) and Sintra (460) remain outside this list, although they maintain a high level of risk.

Among the best positions on the list are the counties of the Azores, such as Corvo (no cases) or Santa Cruz das Flores. But there are also several places in Madeira that have a very low incidence, such as Machico or Calheta.

Vila Velha de Ródão, in the Castelo Branco district, continues to be an ‘example’ on the continent, with zero new cases three weeks ago.
