Covid risk map: 21 counties have risen to a high or extremely high level (see how yours is doing)


According to data updated this Monday by the General Directorate of Health (DGS), for the period between November 13 and 26, there are 21 regions that have risen to the most worrying levels, with a very high or very high risk of the spread of the virus. , that is, with more than 480 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in two weeks (see map and list of municipalities at the end of this article).

Among these 21 counties is the case of Gavião, in Alentejo, which went from 398 to 1,440 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, thus jumping from a high level to a very high level. Also Marvão, in the district of Portalegre, which until now had a moderate risk level, had a worrying increase: from 133 to 699 new cases, which translates into an incidence five times higher in two weeks.

Still in Alentejo, other municipalities such as Cuba and Alandroal stand out, which more than doubled the new cases of covid-19. The same happened with the municipalities of the Central region, such as Sardoal, Anadia, Mira, Lousã or Vila Nova de Poiares, all of them now with 480 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Mondim de Basto, Armamar, Miranda do Douro, Vimioso or Viana do Castelo, in the north, join this list of 21 municipalities that have jumped to the highest levels.

According to the data now updated, there are 135 municipalities in these two upper levels, above the 127 municipalities that two weeks ago were in these conditions and, therefore, covered by the strictest regulations defined by the Government. Although 21 new municipalities entered this list, there were also 13 municipalities where the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants decreased, which allowed them to move to a lower risk level.

Sabrosa, in the Vila Real district, and Proença-a-Nova, in Castelo Branco, are two of those cases that managed to have decreases of over 40% in the number of new cases. Nazaré, Sever do Vouga and Constância, in addition to São Pedro do Sul and Mangualde, also managed to descend, entering the high risk level (between 240 and 479 new infections per 100 thousand inhabitants).

There are 50 extremely high risk counties.

At the most worrying level of contagion, above 960 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, there are already 50 municipalities and the vast majority (40) are in the north of Portugal. At the top of the list is Freixo de Espada à Cinta, in the district of Bragança, being the only municipality in the country that now has an incidence of more than 3,000 new cases and with a growing trend in recent weeks.

Lousada, Guimarães, Fafe, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Paços de Ferreira, Póvoa de Varzim, Trofa, Felgueiras and Vizela, all in the northern region and in the districts of Porto and Braga, occupy the following places, with more than 1920 new cases , or that is, more than twice what the Government already considers extremely high risk. Despite maintaining a worrying incidence, some of these municipalities are already showing signs of a decline, which coincides with the peak of infections already reached in the North.

According to the now updated data, there are 83 municipalities at a high risk level (between 240 and 479 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants) and 90 at a moderate risk level (below 240 new cases).

Five of the only eight municipalities that did not register any cases between November 11 and 26 are in the Azores. But this list also includes Vila Velha de Ródão, which had an incidence of 382 new cases in early October, in addition to Alcoutim in the Algarve and Portel in the Alentejo.
