COVID-19. You will be allowed to go to the supermarket during curfew on the weekend | Coronavirus


Trips to grocery stores and supermarkets are one of the exceptions to the ban on driving on public roads in the afternoons and nights of the next two weekends, in the 121 counties most at risk of being infected by the new coronavirus.

In accordance with the decree that regulates the application of the state of emergency decreed by the President of the Republic, which entered into force at midnight and was published in newspaper of the Republic Sunday nights are allowed “trips to grocery stores and supermarkets and other establishments that sell food and hygiene products for people and animals.”

However, the permitted trips, which are detailed in 13 paragraphs of the decree, must be carried out “preferably without accompaniment and must respect the recommendations and orders determined by the health authorities and security forces, that is, those relating to the distances to be respected between people”. .

As the Prime Minister had already announced at dawn on Sunday, at the end of the extraordinary Council of Ministers to take measures under the decreed state of emergency, circulation will be limited for the next two weekends between 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5 am on Sunday and 1 pm on Sunday and 5 am on Monday in the 121 counties with the highest risk of contagion.

The Government also decreed a curfew between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday, from Monday to November 23, in the 121 municipalities most affected by the pandemic.

The measures affect 7.1 million people, which corresponds to 70% of the population of Portugal, given that the 121 municipalities include all the municipalities of the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto.

In addition to the exception of trips to supermarkets, the decree establishes that during the night curfew and the afternoons and nights of the weekends of November 14 and 15 and November 21 and 22, “short pedestrian trips duration, for the purpose of enjoying moments outdoors, without company or in the company of members of the same household who live together “and” short “walks with pets.

There may also be trips to “perform professional functions”, attested by a statement issued by the employer, a statement issued by the employer, in the case of self-employed or sole proprietors, or a “commitment of honor, in the case of dealing with workers. of the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors ”.

It is also possible to travel, “without the need for a declaration”, of health professionals and workers of health and social assistance institutions, civil protection agents, security forces and services, military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and inspectors of The authority. Food and economic security.

The heads of sovereign bodies, directors of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic and “people with a free pass issued in the legal terms In addition to the “ministers of worship”, personnel from diplomatic and consular missions and international organizations based in Portugal may also circulate.

Travel for health reasons, including pharmacies, and the transport of people who must receive care are also among the exceptions to the driving ban, as are trips to the emergency room for victims of domestic violence, children and youth at risk.

It is also possible to circulate those who are going to “assist vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children, parents, the elderly or dependents” or those who travel “for other imperative family reasons”, such as compliance with shared parental responsibility.

Travel with veterinarians, “trips necessary for the exercise of freedom of the press” and “for other reasons of force majeure or imperative need, are also allowed, provided it is unavoidable and duly justified.

It is also “allowed the circulation of private vehicles on public roads, including refueling at gas stations” under the exceptions provided.
