Covid-19 vaccine. Voluntary, free and will not be in pharmacies


The universal vaccination process of all Portuguese against covid-19 will be carried out entirely in the NHS infrastructures: first in health centers and then in other facilities, possibly even in field hospitals and other similar infrastructures.

The plan will be released on Thursday. And the Infarmed headquarters in Lisbon will be the center of the universe. At 10:00 am another (13th) presentation session is convened on the “Epidemiological situation of covid-19 in Portugal.

In the afternoon, in the same space, the national vaccination plan against covid-19 will be presented. There will be a technical presentation and then the plan will be revealed by the head of government.

This Wednesday, at the Palácio da Ajuda, António Costa met with the team that drew up the plan, coordinated by the former Secretary of State for Health (and former president of the OPI) Francisco Ramos. In addition to the Minister of Health, the Ministers of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, and National Defense, João Gomes Cravinho, as well as the Undersecretary of State of the Prime Minister, Tiago. Antunes.

After the meeting, the Minister of Health warned, in statements to journalists, that “the process [de vacinação] it will be long ”, so, until it is finished, it is imperative to“ not deviate ”from the current health protection regulations (use of a mask, social distance, respiratory discipline).

The general outline of the plan was revealed by Luís Marques Mendes, on Sunday, in the SIC, and the DN confirmed that the essential part of the plan is the one discovered by the State Councilor.
