Covid-19 vaccine causes an allergic reaction in two UK patients


The UK health regulator on Wednesday warned people with a history of “significant” allergic reactions not to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

The warning comes after two British National Health Service workers experienced allergic reactions after receiving the vaccine from pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech. The patients are now on the mend.

According to Sky News, National Medical Director of the NHS – National Health Service (equivalent to the National Health Service), Stephen Powis recalled that it is normal that “people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccine after two people with history of significant allergic reactions that respond negatively. ” According to the NHS, the elements involved in the vaccination program have already been informed about the episode.

It is recalled that the United Kingdom was the first country in the world to clinically approve the vaccine against Covid-19, by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and BioNTech, with an efficiency of 95%. Vaccination began Tuesday in 70 hospitals in the country. Among the first groups to carry the vaccine against the new coronavirus are people over 80, health professionals at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, and nursing home teams.

Margaret Keenan, a 90-year-old British woman (turning 91 next week), goes down in history as the first person to receive the Pfizer / BioNtech vaccine against Covid-19. Born in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, but a Coventry resident for more than 60 years, Margaret received the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday at a university hospital in central England.
