COVID-19. Vaccination of private professionals begins on January 16


Following the complaint due to the lack of information for pandemic vaccination of health professionals in the private sector, the Ministry of Health contacted the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals (APHP) to prepare the immunization.

The ministerial team will meet with the working group to define the criteria to be applied and then give these indications to the private sector. In total, 15 thousand professionals will be vaccinated.

According to the information obtained by Expresso, thePrivate health officials and the INEM will begin to be vaccinated as of January 16.

In a note, the APHP explains that this week it received “the first contacts from the Ministry of Health to define how the vaccination against covid-19 will be carried out for health professionals working in the private sector. The inclusion of these close to 15 thousand people – who ensure the treatment and assistance of more than 4 million patients a year – in the priority level also assigned to public sector professionals, seems to be decisive in the national joint effort to contain and, later, overcome the virus that suddenly interrupted our way of life ”.

It is also stressed that “during these 10 months, health professionals have fully assumed the duty to ensure the treatment of all patients in all circumstances, naturally assuming all the risks that, in this way, also affect their families.” .

The INEM elements were unhappy for not being included in the list of priority health professionals to be vaccinated, which has now been resolved. One was already done Protest to the Order of Nurses and the INEM workers committee.

On the other hand, outside the The priority vaccination for health professionals, found the Expresso, will be nursing students who are in hospitals and health centers.

According to the commission responsible for the vaccination plan, these students are included in the so-called “normal” groups of people.

This situation is leaving the Order of Nurses unsatisfied, considering that the students placed in these facilities must be among the priority to be vaccinated.
