Covid-19: Union Instructs Doctors to Sign a “Disclaimer” | Coronavirus


The Union of Independent Doctors (SIM) is guiding its members so that, in protest of the “excess of tasks” derived from covid-19, they present to those responsible a declaration of exclusion of responsibility for clinical errors.

According to SIM, which announces this Sunday, October 18, the initiative on its website, reproducing the model of the declaration, “the reality that currently exists in institutions that provide health care”, such as hospitals and health centers, is based in the “shortage of human resources and exhaustion of existing ones.”

“By not revealing the so-called reinforcement of medical human resources, SIM is giving guidance to its associated doctors to present their protest and disclaimer”, addressed “to their direct superiors.”

On September 2, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, announced the publication of the contests for the hiring of 950 new doctors for the National Health Service (911 in the hospital area and 39 in public health).

By signing the statement, the doctor remits the responsibility for possible clinical errors and damages to patients, as a consequence of the “recurring situation of excessive tasks under his responsibility”, to “who originated the determination of the provision of work in the established molds, as well as the other hierarchical superiors involved in the respective delivery, transmission and execution ”.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 1.1 million deaths and nearly 40 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report by the French news agency AFP. In Europe, the number of deaths exceeds 250 thousand. In Portugal, 2,181 people died from 99,911 confirmed cases of infection, according to the most recent bulletin from the Directorate General of Health.
