Covid-19: Union advises doctors to ask for “civil liability excuse” to express their disagreement with the lack of conditions – News


“The SMZS advises all doctors who see the assistance to patients hindered due to the lack of conditions for medical practice in accordance with the ‘legis artis’ that place the act of ‘excuse of civil liability’ as a way of expressing their disagreement with the current situation, ”says the union in a statement released today.

The union adds that the recent increase in the number of hospitalized patients with covid-19 is being done “at the expense of beds for ‘non-covid’ patients and without an adequate increase in the number of doctors, putting care provision at risk” . to all patients.

“At the moment, the number of doctors treating patients with covid-19 is less than that registered in the March-July period,” he says.

The SMZS stresses that the increase in beds to respond to the pandemic “rests solely and exclusively on the attribution to covid-19 of beds usually destined for non-covid-19 patients” and that it is a management of “loose and unplanned means ”.

This type of management – he emphasizes – “generates great apprehension on the part of doctors, who day by day see changes in the organization of services and an increase in the number of beds assigned to covid-19, but without the corresponding increase in the number of professionals “.

In the note, the union structure recalls that, at the beginning of the pandemic, normal care activity was suspended and doctors were mobilized for covid and emergency services, but argues that “this is not possible now, since most of the the professionals returned to their original service and usual work, in order to recover their delayed activity and attend to non-covid patients ”.

Currently, the specialties that care for patients infected by covid-19, “do it isolated and overloaded simultaneously with their ‘normal’ healthcare activity, such as hospitalization for non-covid pathologies and consultation and emergency, without having their equipment reinforced”, warns.

The union also says that the Government has stated that the National Health Service (SNS) is attentive and that the number of beds assigned to covid-19 can be increased, but that the statement “is an absolute distortion of the current state of SNS Resources ”.

“The temporary contracts of doctors for 4 months, opened exceptionally in the context of the pandemic, have ended. Even with the possibility of renewing this exception, the doctors who joined the SNS during this period, given the lack of motivating conditions to remain in office, chose to emigrate or go to the private sector ”, he explains.

In the note, the union also explains that “the timid mobilization of a small number of doctors from other specialties is absolutely insignificant, since these are manifestly insufficient not only for the number of patients hospitalized at this time, but also in light of the predictions of what can come to consult in autumn-winter “.

SMZS also says that the scenario that currently exists in the Central Lisbon Hospital Center, which includes hospitals such as São José, Capuchos, Santa Marta, Dona Estefânia, Curry Cabral and Maternidade Alfredo da Costa, “puts the safety of patients and professionals”.
